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Equity Release Conveyancing

Understand Equity Release and use your value wisely

Many people later in life find themselves ‘asset-rich’ (their home) but ‘cash-poor’ (low savings). Equity release can provide a solution to this predicament, allowing individuals over 55 to remain in their homes while turning some of that 'locked up' value, or equity, into cash; either by drawing a single lump sum or more regular smaller sums.

However, as attractive as releasing this cash sounds, equity release is a major financial transaction with long reaching implications, reducing the value of an estate and potentially affecting the state pension or other benefits. So if you are thinking of taking out an equity release plan, you need to research, analyse and assess your options, considering both the legal and financial consequences. Here obtaining independent professional advice will help appraise you of the pros and cons.

Equity Release - gaining good advice

It is recommended that you take the advice of an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) before entering into any equity release mortgage or home reversion scheme. However, it is not mandatory and you can, if you wish, go directly to a company offering a scheme. Aternatively, you can go to an adviser representing just one plan provider. The choice is yours. 

Whenever you are in doubt concerning any part of the scheme you should ask before you sign. Ensure that you receive in writing satisfactory replies to questions you want answering. You should also check that the scheme you choose allows you to move home in the future should you consider this to be an important factor.

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